Mixed Raster Content (MRC) is a process to reduce the size of raster images. It is well known since PDF/A is used to archive scanned documents. However, it has been used and standardized in RFC 2301 for TIFF files earlier.
Stroking geometric paths - not as easy as it seems
In PDF geometric paths are simply described as lines and cubic bézier curves. The filling of a path is straight forward once one understands the even-odd and non-zero-winding rule. The stroking of a path however is not as simple as it seems at the first glance. Let us have a look into stroking and some special cases.
PDF transparency reviewed
This new blog thread is dedicated to the development of the PDF standard and its associated sub-standards. As a delegate of the Swiss Standardization Association (SNV) in the ISO Comittee I'm supposed to review all related working documents.
Currently I'm focussing on the working draft of the new ISO Standard ISO 32'000-2 (PDF 2.0), especially the chapter about transparency.
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ISO 32'000
PDF 2.0
Controlling enveloping machines using OMR markers
In this new blog thread I'd like to inform you about new features and applications of our tools.
Enveloping machines can be magically controlled with these tiny dashes called OMR markers on the border of a printed sheet. But how can I easily create them?
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