I sometimes got a little shock when I wanted to open a PDF file and the viewer only showed an error message. In some cases, however, the viewer can save the file and repair it, but often not. This experience made me think about a repair tool.
Clear up some myths about PDF printer drivers
I'm sure you've heard sometimes phrases like "a printer driver which is based Windows GDI can only reproduce RGB colors" or "if a printer driver isn't built on top of the PostScript driver one cannot print EPS graphics". There is no question that these myths persist since PDF Producer software exists. In this article I'd like to give you some background information which helps you to understand how it really works.
PDF Creator
PDF Printer Driver
The supreme discipline of converting PDF to PDF/A
We all know that the conversion one file format to another is not as easy as one might wish for and can lead to unpleasant surprises. However, it is hardly known that this is the case for the conversion from PDF to PDF/A. Why is that?
How to transform spot colors without ambiguities
On an RGB screen or a CMYK laser printer spot colors cannot be displayed directly and must be emulated by converting them into their process color equivalent. The Separation and DeviceN color spaces provide tint transform functions to do so. However, with NChannel colors spaces there exist separate transforms for the individual components and for the collection of the components. Which one to take?
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